Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Bummers about moving to Michigan:

1. Not many TJ Maxx stores in the area
2. Always about 8 degrees colder and 5 inches snowier than Ohio.
3. No Poco Piatti, only one Chipotle
4. Mid Michigan is NOT set up grid-like
5. No Vito's Mediterranean pizza!!!! :(

Sweet ass shit about moving to Michigan:

1. No Ohio State fans.
2. Big Apple Bagles!
3. Grand Traverse Pie Company!
4. Way more lakes.
5. Dunkin Donuts!
6. More seafood restaurants
7. Pure Barre!
8. More hockey fans
9. A way bigger DSW shoe store
10. It's Michigan!!!

Side note: Clearly I like clothes, but I won't fit into any if I'm as big of a fat ass as the above lists states.