Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mediocre Things Come To Those Who Wait. Unless You're Adam.

Yes. I'll blog soon. Like... aside for this one. But right now, I open this page and I sort of fold in on myself and want to pour ALL my sadness out here. Which is cool, but also severely uncool. Plus, burying it to keep walking forward is only possible if I shove it niiiiice and deep. So if you want a sparkly monument to a great effort in fake-it-til-you-make-it happiness, just pay attention to my facebook. And sometimes Twitter.

There is a great light in my life though, and that's the fact that Adam H Newman is pretty much dating the girl known as Sasha (for most of her stories) in this blog. If there's one thing I love it's happiness. If there's two things, it's two people I love being happy together. And if there's one person on this big ol planet that truly deserves every drop of happiness life has to offer, it's Adam.